Reply To: FileVoyager as Default File Manager
Reply To: FileVoyager as Default File Manager

Reply To: FileVoyager as Default File Manager

Welcome Forums Feature requests FileVoyager as Default File Manager Reply To: FileVoyager as Default File Manager


Hi Charles,

Thank you for your kind words and welcome to this forum!

To answer your question, I considered the possibility of replacing the default File Explorer. However, replacing File Explorer is challenging and can compromise some core Windows’ functionalities.

A better approach, as you suggested, would be to override the [win]+[E] shortcut.
I came across an easy and safe way to do it by reading a article.

It is highly likely that I will implement this approach in FileVoyager in the futur
Alternatively, you can also follow the steps below:

  1. In your favorite text editor, create a .reg file. Say FileVoyagerWinE.reg
  2. copy and paste these commands into the file :

    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{52205fd8-5dfb-447d-801a-d0b52f2e83e1}\shell\opennewwindow\command]@=”C:\\Progam Files (x86)\\FileVoyager\\FileVoyager.exe

  3. Replace the path, in bold above, with the path on your system. Be sure to use double backslashes “\\” instead of a sigle one “\”.
  4. Execute FileVoyagerWinE.reg

No need to reboot, your [win]+[E] shortcut is launching FileVoyager now.

To reset the default [win]+[E] behaviour, just delete the CLSID key from your registry:

  1. Launch Regedit.exe
  2. Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{52205fd8-5dfb-447d-801a-d0b52f2e83e1}
  3. Delete the key

No need to reboot, your [win]+[E] shortcut is launching the default File Explorer.