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Hi Keymaster

Many thanks for your thorough answer plus the Registry-Key provided – much appreciated!

I created this file and ran it against the registry, which, based on a message, seemed to be successful.

Trying it out, the following happened:

When entering [Win]+[E], the still installed Directory Opus (DOpus) launched. What is remarkable is, that even though I had configured DOpus’s Settings to replace the standard Windows File Manager, it never worked – only after your registry script. Isn’t that funny 😀?

I then removed said setting in DOpus and when entering [Win]+[E] again, it was Windozes lousy standard file manager that opened. I guess, that the same will happen, when I go and un-install DOpus…

I also stopped DOpus completely but that didn’t help it either. With said setting it launched DOpus and without it M$’s file manager was launched …

I then checked the registry to see if the above registry script did show up correct by searching for said class ID {52205fd8-5dfb-447d-801a-d0b52f2e83e1} .

Well, it did show up in several instances under the ‘\CLSID\’ hive. but most entries were set to ‘Standard’ and a few referred under ‘DelegateExecute’ to the class ID, mentioned above.

I also tried to place the last line of the script (@=”C:\\Progam Files (x86)\\FileVoyager\\FileVoyager.exe” ) on a separate line (as in the linked example from, bur that didn’t help either..

So, what did I miss 🤔 Thanks for your further thoughts on this matter!

And please let me know if I can help with some more troubleshooting on this!

Kind regards from Switzerland!



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