2-3 seconds redrawing time

Home Forums Feature requests 2-3 seconds redrawing time

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  • #4158

    Thank you for this great software.  I don’t know if anything can be done about this, but when FV is maximized, each time I minimize it, then switch back to FileVoyager, it takes about 2-3 seconds to resize and repopulate the panes.  This doesn’t happen if FV is not maximized to begin with.  I am using Windows 10.

    I hope it’s clear what I mean, but I try to make it clearer:

    This sequence causes 2-3 seconds redrawing:

    • FV is maximized
    • Minimize FV
    • Select FV on taskbar
    • FV takes 2-3 seconds to resize/repopulate panes

    This sequence does not have 2-3 seconds redrawing:

    • FV is NOT maximized
    • Minimize FV
    • Select FV on taskbar
    • FV displays very quickly with no resizing/repopulating needed

    Hello Wonger33,

    Thanks for your great analysis. The clarity of your post helped me a lot to quickly understand.
    In Windows, even if a window is maximized, it keep internally the normal size (i.e. not maximized aka restored).

    Apparently, when you de-minimize the window, it thinks its size is the internal one (the restored), and after that, it receives the instruction to maximize. which adds this additional resize event.

    I will investigate further and see if there’s a way to make the resize less cumbersome.

    Thanks again! I’ll keep you posted if I succeed

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