Czech translation completed

Our hero, Vlastimil Vozdecky, has made an outstanding work by completing the Czech translation of FileVoyager. The truth is that a very few sentences are not translated, but we can say it’s 99,9% complete though. Again, if you’re a Czech speaking user of FileVoyager, please join me in thanking Vlastimil. … Continue reading

Czech available and Slovak improved

Heroes are rising in the FileVoyager’s community… Martin Machara our precious community member has improved his translation file for Slovak users. The new version contains about 200 new translations added to the previous 800! Vlastimil Vozdecky has entered the hall of fame of the precious community members. He has created … Continue reading

FileVoyager – Really portable now?

In The Portable Freeware Collection forum, I had a discussion with some contributors. The debate was “Is Portable FileVoyager really portable ?“. The conclusion was: “FileVoyager is not 100% portable!” 😯 One reason was that one of the Audio Visualization plugin used was writing data in the registry. Even though … Continue reading

FileVoyager released!

It’s been a long time since I haven’t made a release. But I’m not out of business yet 😉 To prove it, here’s my latest release. What does it bring? New view modes Now FileVoyager provides 3 additional ways to display the files and folder listings. Those are not killer … Continue reading

FileVoyager on Kickstarter…why not? (2)

It’s now a week since I’ve launched a Kickstarter project to help bringing funds for FileVoyager’s development. My prognostic for the success of the funding is: EPIC FAIL! 😳 Well, I am OK anyway. I’ve quickly understood that it will not become a success story. The project was not well … Continue reading

FileVoyager on Kickstarter…why not?

Today, I’ve launched a Kickstarter fundraising project. The duration is 30 days as from today. I know the Software projects are not among the most successful on Kickstarter (except games), but what do I loose if the project fails? Nothing. If the fundraising threshold is reached, I will dedicate the … Continue reading

New: Slovak language available

Martin Machara, a precious member of the FileVoyager community, has created a translation file for Slovak users. I would like to warmly thank Martin for this gift, and I am sure that the Slovakian users will do the same and spread the word. If you don’t have the latest FileVoyager … Continue reading

XP compatibility is back

Update Nov. 2012: Windows XP is not supported anymore. Most of the 3rd parties applications like Sumatra or Scintilla doesn’t work under XP; I have no grip on those elements. You can still use FileVoyager under XP but you will experience errors and missing functionalities The problems with XP were … Continue reading

XP compatibility broken

It’s been a long time since I haven’t tested FileVoyager under Windows XP. After a user notified me that he couldn’t run FileVoyager under XP SP2, I checked and…the compatibility was completely broken. The application didn’t even start. I already begun fixing it and I still have some work to … Continue reading

FileVoyager released!

OK! Here we go! New release available. This is more a maintenance release as I’ve received a lot of user feedback and suggestions to handle. A maintenance release but a very important one though. In the previous versions, there was two potentially serious issues. First: When a user moved or … Continue reading